We offer a full comprehensive periodic inspection and testing service. We charge £20 for the first 5 circuits and £10 per circuit after that. Whilst I know this is not the cheapest about I know that this is a fair price to myself and you the customer as it covers my time to be able to inspect the property’s installation correct and thoroughly giving you complete piece of mind that everything within the premises is safe and correct. This is also known as a landlord inspection which is required every time a new tenant moves in or every 5 years which every is sooner.
Whilst it is not a legal requirement for domestic premises to have an periodic inspection and testing preformed it is recommend by the installer that it is checked up to every 10 years as this can help keep an eye on the installation and making sure there is no deterioration within the circuitry of the dwelling and is highly recommended.
Our best advice for anyone looking in to these be careful of cheaper EICR as if they are only charging a small fee they will be looking for faults to get there money back that way for the cheap service, also they may not spend enough time testing and checking the installation correctly.
Understanding an EICR we use codes and they are as follows C1, C2, C3, FI. These codes are used to highlight and issues within the premises.
A C1 is Danger present
A C2 is a potentiallydangerous
A C3 is improvement recommended
A FI is Further Investigation
This is sometime also required by letting agents, mortgage company’s and solicitors for sales or letting of the property. If you would like a genuine and honest report conduction on your property, please contact us.